Vehicle Gateway:
Installation and support
Select your vehicle type to watch the video
Large & Heavy Duty Vehicles

Pick-ups, vans and cars

Step-by-step guide
Get fleet admin credentials
If you’re managing the entire Vehicle Gateway installation process, you’ll need to be set up as a fleet admin in your company’s Motive Fleet Dashboard. A fleet admin can help you attain these credentials.
Note: If you are simply installing a Vehicle Gateway on behalf of a company, please skip to Step 6. A designated fleet admin at the company will need to handle Steps 2 through 5.
Add a vehicle
Once you’ve logged into the Fleet Dashboard, go to the Admin section to add a new vehicle.
Create a vehicle profile
Add the serial number printed on the back of the Vehicle Gateway to the vehicle’s profile.
Create a driver profile
In the Admin section of the Fleet Dashboard, create a new driver profile.
Share driver credentials
Share the driver login credentials with the individual who will be installing the Vehicle Gateway hardware.
Connect the Vehicle Gateway
Plug the provided cable into your vehicle’s diagnostic port.
Start your engine
Once the left-side LED turns green, your Vehicle Gateway is powered and connected!
Helpful documents
Understanding the LEDs
The Vehicle Gateway emits lights to communicate its status.

No GPS signal or mobile connection

Check cable connections

Updating firmware

Everything is working properly

Gateway captures engine speed telematics.

Gateway captures engine speed
telematics and the vehicle is in motion.

Driver App is not connected
Cable-specific installations
Look for the white label on your cable and download the corresponding instructions.

Cable 3010, 3015 or 3017

9-Pin Y/Split Long
Cable 3002, 3003 or 3000

6-Pin Y/Split Long
Cable 3022

Peterbilt/Kenworth TMC RP1226
Cable 3035

Volvo 2013-2018
Cable 3030-R03

Mack 2013-2018
Cable 3031

Volvo/Mack 2018+
Cable 3034

Freightliner 2017+
Cable 3043

OBD-II Vehicles 2008 and older
AutoTap Connector
Next Steps
Your Vehicle Gateway is installed… what’s next?
Whether your need help setting up the Motive Driver App or navigating the Fleet Dashboard, we’ve got your question covered.
How to install and assign the Vehicle Gateway
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Learn more about Motive
Look for the white label on your cable and download the corresponding instructions.
Discover the powerful new AI Dashcam
Pair our industry-leading AI Dashcam with your Vehicle Gateway to help lower costs and prevent accidents by up to 30%.
Need additional help? Feel free to reach out to us.
Call us at 1-855-434-3564 or email us at