Rear-end collisions are a significant concern for any organization, accounting for 29% of all crashes. These accidents, often caused by distracted or drowsy driving, can lead to severe damage, injuries, and even fatalities. As a safety manager, you’re well aware of the challenges these incidents pose, from increased liability to potential downtime and costs. 

Forward collision warning systems can be a game-changer, reducing crash rates by 27% and giving drivers crucial time to brake and avoid accidents. However, despite the growing availability of this technology, many vehicles on the road still lack it.

Real-time alerts and accurate AI save lives.

Monitoring distracted or drowsy driving can be challenging without visibility into the cab. While our latest Drowsiness AI for dual-facing dash cams detects signs of fatigue to help prevent accidents, we’re also addressing the needs of customers with only road-facing cameras through our new Forward Collision Warning AI.

This new safety feature, available with all Motive AI Dashcams, accurately detects when your driver approaches another vehicle ahead of them too quickly. By calculating speed, distance, and time to impact, it provides critical alerts that prompt drivers to brake in time — whether they’re distracted or drowsy.

This added layer of protection is crucial in preventing serious collisions. Safety managers can also receive these alerts, allowing for a thorough review of incidents and targeted coaching for drivers.

Protect drivers in common unsafe scenarios.

Forward Collision Warning AI is designed to address common scenarios, offering insights that are essential for coaching aggressive driving and recognizing driver responsiveness. For example, drivers get alerted in the following scenarios.

  • Approaching a stationary vehicle: When drivers close in too quickly on a stationary vehicle at intersections or in traffic, leaving little time to react and avoid a collision.
  • Unsafe tailgating: Following too closely behind a slower-moving or braking vehicle, which can result in a collision if the driver doesn’t have enough time to respond.
  • Sudden turn or merge: When a vehicle ahead suddenly stops or slows down to turn, requiring the driver to brake and maneuver swiftly to avoid an accident.

“We’ve had a couple of instances where the Forward Collision Warning alerts have been really handy and saved us from a potential catastrophe,” said Hunter Wilson, fleet administrator at Arrow Glass Industries. “Recently, one of our drivers had just gone through an intersection after the light turned green. He was about to go under a bridge when traffic suddenly stopped. He was distracted, on his phone, and had to slam on his brakes when the alert went off, barely missing the car ahead. Situations like this not only give drivers a crucial heads-up, but they also provide fleet management with valuable insight into what’s happening on the road.”

A proven solution for reducing accidents.

Since adopting Motive, customers have reported a 57% reduction in accidents within just four months, underscoring the effectiveness of accurate AI and real-time alerts in enhancing fleet safety. Explore what the Motive AI Dashcam and Driver Safety platform can do for your business.