Being distracted for just five seconds at 55 mph is like driving the length of a football field with your eyes closed. AI dash cams are essential for detecting unsafe behaviors like distracted driving, alerting drivers to risky habits that endanger their lives and the lives of motorists around them.

However, achieving desired results depends on the accuracy of the technology, which can mean the difference between preventing an accident and dealing with its aftermath. In 2023, 44,450 people died in traffic accidents, and the average cost of a fatal commercial accident was $3.6 million. Failure to accurately detect these behaviors puts drivers’ lives at risk and results in significant financial loss.

Motive’s guide provides step-by-step instructions and templates to help you set up a side-by-side evaluation of your top dash cam providers. You’ll learn how to:

1. Define success metrics

Assess the number of accurate alerts and false positives.

2. Define unsafe behaviors

Identify the behaviors that pose the most risk to your fleet, such as cell phone usage, close following, and stop sign violations.

3. Set up a fair, controlled test

Control variables like hardware condition, installation, and camera placement.

4. Run the tests

Collect real-time feedback during normal business operations over two weeks or more. Rotate cameras to ensure equal time in each position on the windshield.

5. Analyze Results

Use provided templates to record and analyze results. Verify successful alerts and note false positives.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) advocates for honest product comparisons to help buyers make informed decisions. Trialing your AI dash cam is essential to verify its effectiveness, especially when these systems promise to enhance driver safety and save lives.

Ensure you select the best provider to meet your needs. Despite vendor claims about how their advanced AI capabilities ensure driver safety, the reality often reveals inaccurate or slow AI-based detection systems. In fact, Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI)’s benchmarking study found that the Motive AI Dashcam generates alerts 3-4x more successfully than competitors.

Reliable Carriers also conducted an exhaustive head-to-head trial with Motive and Samsara. After months of comprehensive testing with 40 different test drivers, the Reliable team unanimously decided that Motive was the right fit for the business. “The AI Dashcam instantly alerts our team to review any high-risk situations on the road,” says Lauren Abrams, Director of Digital. “The accuracy of the AI Dashcam’s detection — and the contextual tags automatically associated with the videos — eliminates the need to play detective and gives us the ability to immediately direct our attention to where it’s required most.”

Don’t leave safety to chance—download the guide and start your trial today. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Motive team.