Being a truck driver has shaped my life and career in more ways than I could have ever imagined. The perspective that comes from the daily pressures of driving to the grind of logistics is something that helps you in the industry regardless of where you end up in it. Driving a truck gave me a deep sense of purpose, pride, and respect for the industry and those who continued to drive full-time. As we celebrate Truck Driver Appreciation Week, I want to take a minute to talk about what being a truck driver has meant to me and why this week is so important for all drivers.

I started trucking 35 years ago on a farm, then commercially 25 years ago, and it wasn’t just a job. It was a way of life. From my first run, I experienced the stress and pressure to perform and not just get back alive but also to get the truck back without destroying it or destroying someone or something else. There was also freedom, the responsibility of moving freight and meeting or exceeding expectations, and the satisfaction of getting the job done at all costs. Over time, I realized that driving wasn’t just about moving freight. It was about a brotherhood, an often irreverent brotherhood but a brotherhood still.

It’s a family where we watch out for one another, offer advice, and share life’s challenges on the road. It’s about the pride of handling something many people may not fully understand. The long hours, the weather, the tight schedules, and most importantly, the moral and ethical responsibility to drive safely for ourselves and everyone else on the road.

Why Truck Driver Appreciation Week matters

Truck Driver Appreciation Week is our chance to acknowledge drivers’ incredible contributions every day. It’s a reminder that, without these dedicated men and women, the shelves at our grocery stores would be empty, the materials needed for construction would be delayed, and the world, as we know it, would come to a standstill.

This week is also important because it gives us a moment to shine a light on drivers’ challenges. Being a truck driver is not an easy job. Long hours, time away from family, and the mental and physical demands of operating a large vehicle take a toll. Yet, despite these hurdles, drivers push forward because they know their work is vital.

For me, this week is a way to say “Thank you” to every driver out there. Thank you for the sacrifices you make, for putting safety first, and for being the backbone of our economy. This appreciation isn’t just about celebrating a profession; it’s about recognizing the dedication, skill, and heart it takes to be a truck driver.

Celebrating drivers with Motive

In my journey from being a truck driver, broker/driver, owner/driver, enterprise exec, and consultant/driver, I’ve seen firsthand how technology can make a driver’s life easier and safer. Motive has been at the forefront of this change, offering tools like AI dash cams, real-time coaching, and GPS tracking to help drivers do their jobs more efficiently and safely. These tools don’t just benefit companies—they directly impact the drivers by making their work environment safer, providing feedback that helps them grow, and ensuring they get the recognition they deserve while protecting them from the crazy that exists on our roads.

During Truck Driver Appreciation Week, let’s go beyond the traditional thanks. With Motive’s technology, we can celebrate drivers not just with words but with actions. Using insights from telematics, we can create incentive programs that reward safe driving behaviors, recognize milestones, and offer tangible benefits. Using tools like Motive’s system to track miles driven safely, fuel efficiency, and adherence to safety protocols, companies can offer bonuses, gift cards, or additional time off to show genuine appreciation.

Building a culture of respect and support

In my career, I’ve learned that being a truck driver is more than getting from point A to point B. It’s about being part of a community that supports one another. This week is a reminder for all of us to foster that community and build a culture of respect and support within the industry.

Driver Appreciation Week is not just a corporate event. It’s a personal moment for me and every other driver who has ever sat behind the wheel of a big rig. It’s about recognizing the hard work, perseverance, and pride that every driver brings to their job. Let’s use this week to say “thank you” and commit to making the road ahead safer, more rewarding, and more supportive for every driver out there.

For those drivers who’ve been on the road for years and those just starting their journey, this week is for you. Thank you for all that you do.