Some vendors operate like well-oiled sales machines. Their primary goal is to close the deal as quickly as possible, with little regard for your long-term success. These companies often have polished sales pitches, aggressive tactics, and impressive market shares. However, once the contract is signed, their focus shifts away from your needs.

On the other hand, a customer-focused partner is invested in your success from the first interaction and remains dedicated to supporting you long after the sale. They are confident in the value of their product and encourage you to take your time, trial their system, and compare it with others in the market. Their goal is not just to make a sale, but to ensure that you are satisfied and successful in your operations.

The risk of choosing a sales machine

Imagine you’re facing a critical issue with your telematics system, such as data reporting problems that hinder your ability to manage your fleet effectively. When you reach out to your vendor, a sales-driven company might offer a dismissive response like, “Sorry, that’s just how it is. Those are the reports we have.” Worse still, you may be left waiting weeks or months for a resolution, as their support is more about putting out fires than proactively solving your problems.

Some fleets have reported waiting as long as 90 days to solve critical equipment issues. Even if a response comes, a response doesn’t guarantee a solution. When faced with reporting issues or equipment malfunctions, some vendors respond by pushing additional software purchases, such as Tableau, for you to create your own reports, rather than providing a built-in solution. An approach like this adds unnecessary complexity and cost, emphasizing a lack of commitment.

Contrast this with a company like Motive, which prioritizes customer service and offers immediate, effective support. If you need a custom report, Motive’s professional services team works with you to create it, ensuring you have the tools you need to operate smoothly. Motive’s focus is on getting you back on the road and minimizing downtime rather than closing the next sale.

The value of a true partnership

A true partner understands that your success is their success. They invest in a long-term relationship, offering ongoing support and adapting their services to meet your evolving needs. Motive, for example, provides comprehensive telematics solutions and a suite of products designed to make your operations more efficient — from fuel management and GPS tracking to advanced AI-powered event detection.

When you trial different vendors, note how they respond to your concerns. Are they pushing you to sign quickly, or do they encourage you to take your time and make an informed decision? A sales machine will likely prioritize closing the deal over addressing your specific needs, while a partner will work with you to ensure that their product genuinely benefits your operations at a very practical level.

Lessons learned from a bad vendor experience

In the trucking industry, choosing the wrong vendor can have serious consequences. One motor carrier reported that after signing with a technology provider, they encountered significant issues with vehicles being locked in park due to the system’s inability to communicate properly with the vehicle’s ECM. Engineers reportedly bypassed safety management and suggested to the fleet team that bypassing the ECM — an illegal action under ELD mandates — would keep the unit powered. This advice put the carrier at risk of non-compliance with FMCSA regulations. Nonetheless, it emphasized the provider’s focus on retaining the contract rather than ensuring compliance and safety.

In contrast, Motive provided a legal and effective solution to the issue of Interlock/ECM without pushing for an immediate switch. They suggested a simple $200 wiring harness to solve the matter, demonstrating a commitment to compliance and customer success. Ultimately, the carrier switched entirely to Motive, avoiding the risk and frustration found with other vendors.

Making the right choice

When selecting a vendor for your fleet’s needs, don’t just buy into the hype of aggressive sales tactics or flashy market shares. Instead, focus on finding a genuinely invested partner in your success. Trial different products and services, consult with others in the industry, and take your time to make an informed decision. Your vendor should make your operations easier and more efficient, not add layers of complexity and risk.

A sales machine is focused on its bottom line, while a customer-focused partner is dedicated to helping you succeed. Choose wisely, and avoid the regret of picking the wrong vendor.

Ready to choose a telematics partner that prioritizes your success? Request a demo and experience the difference a customer-focused partner like Motive can make.