The Motive Ethics Hotline is a confidential channel for reporting policy and values violations.

Our commitment to maintaining a safe,
and productive working environment.
“At Motive, adherence to the core principles of business ethics outlined in the Motive Code of Conduct (aka the Guide to Owning It and Unlocking Your Potential) is a key imperative. The Motive Matters Ethics Hotline reflects our commitment to maintaining a safe, and productive working environment.
The Ethics Hotline provides stakeholders with a way to ask questions and learn more about their operating obligations and ours. It is also a way to report suspected conduct violations. Issues that should be reported include, but are not limited to employee misconduct, theft, harassment, discrimination, and other failures of integrity.
This dynamic platform allows you to ask questions, report issues, and monitor the status of your report. Employees can also use this system to submit reports to their managers and members of the People, Legal, or Finance teams. Motive does not tolerate retaliation against any employee who in good faith reports a policy violation.
My hope is that, through this secure, automated system, our stakeholders will speak up when observing improper conduct across the organization.”

Shoaib Makani, CEO of Motive

How to report a concern
Select the reporting method that suits you best, and rest assured, your privacy will be safeguarded. Our hotline, available 24/7, is managed by an impartial third-party provider.
Automate ELD compliance and take a proactive approach to risk management.
Create incident report
Fill in a web-based questionnaire to report workplace incidents, including financial matters, harassment, theft, substance abuse, and safety concerns.
Talk to a representative
If you would prefer to speak to someone confidentially, call us and one of our representatives would be happy to assist you. (800) 461-9330
Ask a question
If you have an ethics or compliance question or an inquiry regarding a company policy, you can ask anonymously and confidentially.
Frequently asked questions
Who is the Ethics Hotline for?
Anyone who has a concern or question relating to wrongful conduct, policy violations, compliance or risk, or business practices. This includes customers, partners, vendors, and past or present employees.
Can I remain anonymous?
Yes. The Ethics Hotline has the option to report matters anonymously. The option of anonymity allows you to safely submit an incident report, providing a platform to speak up about concerns in your workplace or in your interactions with Motive. This system offers anonymity for users by employing third-party operators and a secure web-based system. Incidents can be reported with confidence that your identity and contact information will be protected if you so choose. Your incident report will not be posted or made available to anyone except the appropriate individuals within Motive’s organization.
This is an emergency. How do I expedite my incident?
Please note this is not an emergency service. Contact your local authorities if this is a life threatening issue.
What happens after I submit an incident?
All reported incidents will be investigated. The reporting person will be confidentially informed (unless the incident is reported anonymously) that the complaint has been received and provide him or her with the name of, and contact information for, the investigator assigned to the claim. If the investigation confirms that a violation has occurred, the company will promptly take appropriate corrective action with respect to the persons involved, including discipline up to and including termination, and, in appropriate circumstances, referral to governmental authorities, and will also take appropriate steps to correct and remedy any violation.
You can check the status of your report or question using the access number and password you created when you submitted the report or question.