For franchise businesses operating commercial vehicles, challenges like labor shortages and rising costs are all too familiar. But there’s another critical issue that’s often overlooked — fleet safety. With unpredictable road conditions and worksite injuries on the rise, franchises face unique safety risks that demand urgent attention.

In 2023, traffic crashes claimed the lives of 44,450 people. Meanwhile, transportation incidents now account for 38% of all work-related fatalities. Industries like lawn care, pest control, junk removal, and plumbing, where employees take to the road for daily operations, are more exposed than ever.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. By investing in a unified fleet safety program, franchises can protect their workers, prevent accidents, and create a safer, more efficient operation. And it’s not just about preventing accidents. It’s about elevating your brand and setting consistent safety standards for franchisees.

Why franchises need consistency in safety programs

Consistency is key to franchise success. From branding to operations, uniformity is what keeps everything running smoothly, and safety should be no different. With a unified safety program, franchisors can protect people, vehicles, and assets across all locations, ensuring each franchise operates at the same high standard.

When every franchisee uses the same system, it becomes easier to collect consistent safety data, benchmark performance, and identify areas for improvement. A single underperforming franchise can damage your entire brand, which is why a high, consistent safety standard is so essential.

A blueprint for success

We’ve created a step-by-step guide designed to help franchises build a robust fleet safety program. This blueprint lays out everything you need to establish a successful system, from gathering consistent safety data to implementing cutting-edge technology.

What’s Inside:

  • The State of Safety: Learn about the rising risks for franchise businesses and why now is the time to invest in safety technology.
  • Creating a Unified Safety Program: Discover how to set consistent safety standards for franchisees, ensuring accountability and high performance.
  • Identifying Gaps and Setting Goals: Pinpoint weaknesses in your current safety protocols and set measurable goals for improvement.
  • Benchmarking Performance: Learn how to use data-driven insights to measure safety performance against industry standards and improve across the board.

Why world-class safety matters for franchises

A world-class safety program does more than protect your workers — it boosts driver retention, lowers insurance premiums, and strengthens your bottom line. And for franchises looking to expand, having a pre-built safety framework means new franchisees can hit the ground running, investing in safety from day one.

Don’t let safety be an afterthought. Download our new safety guide for franchise business models, and take the first step toward creating a world-class safety program that protects your workers and elevates your brand.